The specialist in design, development, and manufacturing of irrigation and filtration systems
Sustainable solutions - drip irrigation, filters and hydraulic valves. The AZUD business group develops technologies and products for an efficient use of water in irrigation, filtration and water treatment. With more than 40 years of innovation in the efficient use of water, AZUD is increasing the profitability and sustainability of agricultural and industrial activities globally.
Azud product groups
Popular Azud products
Dripline with integrated pressure compensation
The irrigation dripline is resistant to ultraviolet radiation. It is made from low-density polyethylene and has an integrated flat emitter. The emitter is designed with an anti-clogging labyrinth and elliptical cavities to comply with the ISO 9261 international standard specification. The dripline is also designed to achieve water application uniformity.
AZUD Helix Automatic filtration system
The filter contains a single filter element (2 in 4"), and it features an opening and closing system that uses a clamp made of AISI 304 stainless steel. This clamp allows for easy access to the inside of the filter without requiring any tools. The control system, also known as the control unit, is composed of a variety of electronic, mechanical, and electrical elements that are integrated into a compact and functional support structure.
Trips to AZUD
AZUD offers a wide range of products for agriculture, landscaping, and greenhouse irrigation, including drippers, filters, valves, and fittings. They are known for their innovative and sustainable approach to irrigation, and are committed to providing efficient and cost-effective solutions to their customers. Convince yourself of the quality of the products by joining us on a visit to a plantation that work with AZUD products.