Drip irrigation elevates the cultivation of raspberries
With the cultivation of raspberries you have to pull out all the stops to realise a successful harvest. This crop is not easily managed. Because of the small size, irrigation must be very precise. Growers who do not irrigate on time or in the wrong ratio, are carrying water out to the sea. With a failed crop as a result. Growers who choose for precision irrigation with a drip system are on the correct course. Bosta tells you all you need to know.
Raspberries on the open ground
Solutions in raspberries irrigation

Pulse irrigation and uniformity
The crew on a sailboat knows that the weight must be distributed. You will never see these sailors all at the same time at the bow. The grower uses the same principle if it concerns irrigation: he wants to water everything evenly.

Fungus and weeds
Fighting fungi and weeds with sprinklers is like swimming against the current. Water that ends up everywhere and nowhere leads its own life. Take back control and direct the drops straight to the root zone with drip irrigation. The leaves remain dry so that plant diseases do not get a chance and weeds cannot grow.

Automated irrigation
Growers who are in charge of multiple hectares with different crops keep an eye on the crops digitally. With an app on their smartphone or laptop they see if the automated irrigation system reaches its target. Based on the data the grower adjusts where needed. For instance, a dry day means longer irrigation. Moisture sensors in the field are their compasses in this. Thus, they water with a target, without waste.