All Products
- Pipes & couplers (445)
- Fittings (1314)
- Glues, sealants & adhesives (146)
- Valves (559)
- Hoses, connectors & clamps
- Drip, micro & sprinklers (631)
- Pool installation & maintenance (615)
- Pumps (237)
- Measurement, filtration & regulation (334)
- Tanks (102)
- Heating equipment (20)
- Fasteners & tools (85)
- Spare parts (2904)
- Landscape & architectural lighting (21)
Transparent hoses
Purchase from a wide variety of transparent hoses like a clear hose, clear braided hose, cord hose, and reinforced hose. These are all available here in our assortment in a variety of dimensions. Our products here in this segment are all branded by Speedfit.